Whether you're listening via our new podcast or watching on our YouTube channel, our Home Retreats continue through September every Saturday at 11am.
Each week a different monk will discuss a thought-provoking topic for 10 to 15 minutes and provide reflection, insight and comfort from a home of prayer.
'All In This Together?' by Fr Philip
Saturday 2nd September
If the wellbeing of others truly concerns us, this presents the challenge of respecting the needs and hopes of those around us. How do we do this without either suppressing legitimate self-expression - or setting ourselves up for exploitation?
In praying for patient humility, we also need to seek the grace of discerning true and false needs – in ourselves and others. As always, Gospel and Rule offer much food for reflection on such dilemmas.
‘A Cloud of Witnesses III: St Dorotheus of Gaza’ by Fr Cedd
Saturday 9th September
Fr Cedd talks about the life and writings of the famous sixth century Palestinian monk and Abbot, St Dorotheus of Gaza. (Scroll down for downloadable translation document)
'..I didn’t want to break the spell..' by Fr Bede
Saturday 16th September
An opportunity to read “between the lines”, ”against the grain” and with “our divine spectacles on” the story of The Healing of the Crippled Woman on the Sabbath (Luke 13:10-21).
It is advised to read the story beforehand.
'The Mass' by Fr Richard
Saturday 23rd September
One of the distinguishing features of Catholics is that ‘they go to Mass’. When Catholics are persecuted, going to Mass if often the evidence for the prosecution. Why?
Home Retreat by Fr Henry
Saturday 30th September
The Home Retreats conclude with a series of suggestions for activities and further reflection throughout the day.