The Historical Jesus

Fr Henry Wansbrough OSB
Standard: £180.00 / En-suite: £190.00

This retreat is now fully booked. To be added to our waitlist in case a place becomes available, send us an enquiry using the form below.


Can we come anywhere near a historical portrait of Jesus, or do the Gospels merely provide us with an inspiring myth?

Can we recover any of the sayings of Jesus with certainty?

Can we learn any more about Jesus from the Dead Sea Scrolls or from the non-canonical gospels?

These are some of the questions which Fr Henry will tackle within this retreat.

Alongside this exploration, retreatants will have the opportunity to join the Monastic Community for its daily cycle of prayer, Mass, and sessions led by monks, with ample time for personal reflection, prayer, or exploring the beautiful surroundings of Ampleforth Abbey.


This guided retreat includes full board and light refreshments.

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