A Day in the Life of a Monk...
Matins, 6.00am (6.20 on Sundays)
This is sometimes called ‘Vigils’ and some communities get up in the middle of the night to pray it, while all around them sleep. As well as psalms it includes a couple of substantial readings, one from Scripture, another from the early Church Fathers. It lasts about 40 minutes. This gives us fuel for the private prayer that follows.
Lauds, 7.30am (8.00am on Sundays)
This is Morning Prayer, and the tone is celebratory, full of praise and thanksgiving. It lasts about 25 minutes and is followed by breakfast.
Mass, 12.45pm (10.00am on Sundays)
This is not part of the series of prayer services, because it is in a category of its own. It is the sacrament of the day, in which we offer ourselves to the Father with Jesus, and commune with Jesus himself. Lunch and a brief period of recreation follow.
Little Hour, 2.15pm
For us this replaces the old Prime, Terce, Sext and None, the short offices that punctuate the day. It lasts approximately ten minutes. Lunch follows.
Vespers, 6.00pm (6.20pm on Sundays; 6.30 on some Tuesdays)
This is the second principal office of the day, Evening Prayer. At Ampleforth we sing it in Latin, in Gregorian Chant. It lasts 25 minutes and is followed by half an hour of Lectio Divina, and then supper.
Compline, 8.15pm
This is Night Prayer. It begins with a reading from the Rule of Our Holy Father Benedict. All the psalms, readings and prayers are about protection, safety and the love of God. It lasts 15 minutes and is followed by an antiphon to Our Lady in Gregorian Chant. Silence lasts from the end of this office until Matins the next day.